Thursday, August 22, 2019

Supporting teaching and Learning Essay Example for Free

Supporting teaching and Learning Essay Summarise entitlement and provision for early years education 1.1 Local education authorities are funded by the government to ensure that every three and four year old child has access to free part-time education. Fill in the missing words and numbers in the following paragraph below: Every three and four year old child is entitled to early year’s education in an inspected setting which is found to be . The funding is available for hours a week for weeks of the year. Free places are available in a number of settings including: school nurseries, and private day nurseries. Explain the characteristics of the different types of schools in relation to educational stage(s) and school governance. 1.2 Explain the post-16 options for young people and adults 1.3 Patrick has left school at 16 with 5 GCSEs and is unsure about what to do next. He is interested in a career in physical education. What education and training options are available to him? Carry out independent research to see what options Patrick has. Patrick’s options Positive aspects Negative aspects 2.1 Within a school there are different people with various roles, all of which are necessary to ensure the smooth running of the school. Complete the table below to show the responsibilities of the school governors, senior management team, teachers, support staff and the SENCO (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator) Job role Responsibilities School governors Volunteers who ensure the school provides a good quality education. Set the aims and policies of the school. Set the schools budget. Senior management team Teachers Support staff SENCO 2.2 As a teaching assistant you may be expected to work alongside many different educational professionals. Talk to your class teacher or SENCO about the various educational professionals who visit the school and what  they do. These may include speech therapists, child psychologists and other support workers who visit the school. Write an overview of what the educational professionals do in your school. 3.1 Each school will have a mission statement, ethos, aims and values. Describe the following terms: Ethos Mission Aims Values 3.2 Ask your school if you can have a copy of its mission statement. Alternatively, this information is often available on the school website. Think about how the ethos, mission statement, aims and values of a school may be reflected in your working practice while at the school. Fill out the table to show the different methods of communicating a school’s ethos, mission statement, aims and values and evaluate the differing methods. Ensure that you look at the advantages and disadvantages of each method. Methods of communicating Advantages Disadvantages

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